To Patients and Families of Graber and Gyllenhaal Orthodontics:
While the past three years during the Coronavirus pandemic have been some of the most challenging in the 75 year history of our practice, we could not have made it through without the cooperation and support of our amazing team and patients. We are proud that we have been able to keep our patients, team members, and doctors safe during such an uneasy time. Rest assured that we continue to follow the Illinois Department of Health, Illinois Dental Society, American Dental Association, and CDC’s guidance on resuming orthodontic care in Illinois. As always, the health of our patients and team is our top priority. Please carefully review these updated procedures, as they will pertain to all patients during this time.
Our reception area is open to patients and family members! When you walk in upon arrival, please locate the check-in iPad and check yourself in prior to sitting down. It is likely that you will be waiting a few minutes in the reception area before we are ready to seat you in the clinic.
Parents are still welcome to sit in the reception area during the duration of their child’s appointment (As before the pandemic, only patients will be permitted in the clinic). If you have questions for Dr. Katie Graber, Dr. Kelley Gyllenhaal, or Dr. Leslie Zallik, you can consult with them in person after the appointment. If you prefer to wait in your car during your child’s appointment, we will be happy to provide a Report Summary of your child’s visit with instructions on scheduling the next appointment. We will also be available to answer post-visit questions by email, text, or phone if you prefer not to enter the reception room.
Our brushing stations are now available for patients to brush their teeth prior to their appointment if needed. Our game stations are also available for patient use, and hand sanitizer is available throughout the office.
Per the ISDS and CDC, face masks are no longer required for patients entering the office. Our doctors and clinical team will continue to wear face masks while performing patient care.
We are continuing to take stringent infection control measures to sterilize instruments and sanitize the clinic. In addition, we will continue to use a Hyper HEPA air purifying system in our offices, as well as an additional suction device during aerosol generating procedures.
We will require that you reschedule your appointment if the patient or anyone in the family has been sick with a fever, cough, flu-like symptoms, or any of the CDC reported symptoms of COVID-19, or has a recent positive diagnosis for COVID-19 within the past 10 days.
The measures summarized in this information update are being taken for your safety. At any time when you leave your home there is a risk of exposure to illness. In our office we have always focused on the use of healthcare universal precautions as a protection for our patients and office team.
Please watch for update emails from our office as the recommendations for healthcare patients and caregivers have been changing–and will continue to do so. The health of our patients and team is our top priority. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time!